Wednesday, November 9, 2011

which is better html or fireworks

I think that html is a better tool to use to make websites. Although it may limit creativity it is easier to edit and check for mistakes. In fireworks, it takes longer to edit and make things look professional. Like in fireworks we can draw create and add features. Fire works also takes time to select independent images that you would like to only have. Also the layers can be confusing whether to put on on top of the other. The whole concept of layers in fireworks is difficult. Also setting up pages is difficult since its just one button that can add pages. Also trying to just get part of your image to show rather than the whole page is difficult too and I still don't get the concept of doing it perfectly.

In Html it is much simpler because it just one window you are focusing on. Also you can go and make the page look neat and clean. In Fireworks it may show you drawing or the mistakes that you made when scanning the pencil drawing. Html is only using codes, and it is easier to troubleshoot and check it. Html is also better because then I won't have to draw, because I'm not really artistic. I personally think it is easier to use codes rather than take one picture, then develop it and then export it.